Winter Schedule Announced
It is that time of year. The fall races are in our rearview mirror and we are looking forward to Nationals in April. Unlike other warm weather regions, we have no triathlons between now and nationals, but there is no reason we can't keep racing with the NECTC.

A list of 2016 NECTC Winter Series Races
January 23 - NECTC West Point Indoor Time Trial
A 10K indoor time trial on West Point's collection of CompuTrainers.
February 21 - NECTC Bentley Swim Meet
A collection of races ranging from short freestyle events, to IM's, relays, and fun games. Being held at Bentley Unviversity in Waltham, MA.
March 27 - Tri Mania Summit and Expo
The Multisport Expo at Boston University, you can choose to compete in any or all race events, including a 5k run, 400 freestlye relay and 10K ITT.
April 2 - West Point Duathlon
A run-bike-run event held by West Point.